Support Us
Your support makes activities like French film screenings, book club, and Journée de la Francophonie possible.
Your support makes activities like French film screenings, book club, and Journée de la Francophonie possible.
We are a social enterprise limited by guarantee and the organisation, with the help of Stéphanie d’Haussy as a manager, is directed by a voluntary board of directors including George Dexter (Chairman), Deborah Reed, Sheila Frazer, Chris Wilson, Paul Evans and Pierre-Michel Doutreligne.
They provide the guarantees which allow it to be a company limited by guarantee.
When you sign up for a 16 week course with us, you automatically become a member and will be invited to our Annual General Meeting: on Tuesday 19th March 2024, 19.00pm on ZOOM, you will be able to:
Your main responsibility lies in the event of company insolvency, for the members and any person who has ceased to be a member within the last year, may have to contribute a sum not exceeding £5 towards the assets of the company if called upon so.