Support Us

Your  support makes activities like French film screenings, book club, and Journée de la Francophonie possible. 

Would you like to support our organisation?

Become a member of Alliance Française-Devon and support our organisation.

We are a social enterprise limited by guarantee and the organisation, with the help of Stéphanie d’Haussy as a manager, is directed by a voluntary board of directors including George Dexter (Chairman), Deborah Reed, Sheila Frazer, Chris Wilson, Paul Evans and Pierre-Michel Doutreligne.

The members of our organisation are the foundation of its legal existence.

They provide the guarantees which allow it to be a company limited by guarantee.

When you sign up for a 16 week course with us, you automatically become a member and will be invited to our Annual General Meeting: on Tuesday 19th March 2024, 19.00pm on ZOOM, you will be able to:

  • Appoint Directors to the Board
  • Discuss the budget and accounts of the Company
  • Discuss the annual report of the Board.

Your main responsibility lies in the event of company insolvency, for the members and any person who has ceased to be a member within the last year, may have to contribute a sum not exceeding £5 towards the assets of the company if called upon so.

Your generous contribution provides funding for our cultural programs. Consider making a tax-deductible donation in any amount.

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